Hello I am new here!

Hello i am Jerald.
I am new on this website.
I love to write and i havent been able to post any new stories or poems yet, but i will soon i havent really had much time to do it yet.
I am 16, and my five favorite bands are Aiden, My Chemical Romance, The Used, Paramore, and last but not least, Saosin. Music has a large infuence on my life. I am deeply in love with my iPod nano, and i couldnt live without it. My beloved Sam [my old iPod] was crushed under a car last year right after it was filled to its 4gb limit =[ she never made it very far but she got me through some tough times R.I.P. Sam. I am really into alot of different kinds of music though.
I am into meeting anyone so pm me or leave me a comment if you would like to talk!
January 31st, 2008 at 06:10am