One Of The Best Nights Of My Life.

Okay, so last Sunday, me and my friend, Beth went to go see 30 Seconds To Mars.
I screamed my heart out for Shannon, Tom.o and not forgetting Jared.
Their intro was so good. It was the soundtrack off The Omen and there was this white sheet covering the stage. After about two minutes the sheet came down and everyone screamed for 30 Seconds, us included.

Jared confessed that he'd been ill all day and that he'd be throwing up and shit and still he came out and performed for us. I thought that was really nice. And I hate how everyone says shit about him because he's an actor and is in a band.

Anyway, when the show finished they were signing stuff. I got my album cover signed. I have to say their autographs are rather strange, but really unique. I liked Shannon's best. It was like a Harry Potter scar with this weird looking L next to it. Pretty cool.

And when I passed Tomo, he instantly gave me a high five. I was so fucking happy ! I still am !

And when I passed Jared, he asked us how much the poster was so we kinda liked stuttered a "3 quid." And before we went out I raised my hand and got a high five off him too !

I had this adrenaline rush when I got home at like 12. I couldn't sleep for like 5 hours.

Thanks for reading.

February 2nd, 2008 at 12:10am