Inactive accounts

I've seen a lot of them lately.
To be exact, five in the last two days.
What do people do wrong to have their accounts considered inactive?
People really can't just get on any time they want. So if someone is, say, sick or on vacation or their internet is down, how is that their fault? You can't just take away privileges because this isn't the only thing in their lives.
I mean, if you're being unnecessarily vulgar or harassing other members, you should be disciplined appropriately. Take away comments or something. But people don't always come here just to talk to other people. They come here to write and to talk about things they can't say out loud or to other people.
Which brings me to me second issue. Journals.
I understand that sometimes people's journals aren't as lengthy and heartfelt as some of the higher powers would like.
But what's that point of taking away someone's journal for upwards of three months, and not even telling them why? I don't know what I did wrong that you had to rid of my journal privileges. How can I learn a lesson if I don't know what that lesson is?
My last problem is with stories.
Not so much with stories as with the things our stories get put on the warning list for.
Apparently "boyluff" is a colloquial term, and has no place in my description. Someone had their story put on the warning list because it used improper spacing and spelling. If people aren't going to G0 @11 CH@+5p3@k then is there a problem? Why is it bad to spell a word like angry, anrgy, by accident? You know what I meant to say, and why is it a problem if I don't say it perfectly?
I don't want to be deleted and I'm hoping that I'm not. But this is a creative writing website. Sure, we need structure, but we don't need every little mistake handed to us tenfold. We come here to be creative and voice our opinions, and it's just not right that people aer being punished for 99 words or less.
February 2nd, 2008 at 05:51pm