My Dear Sid, [To Sid Vicious.]

Your whole life you were shoved around. You were always quiet, and just nodded your head. You never had much of a mother, and you certainly didn't have much of a father. But, you were shy and sweet despite all that.

People took advantage of you, and twisted your mind. They convinced you that you were something you weren't. They told you that you were a nasty, cold, tough, and horrid person. But, Johnny, and even you, knew that wasn't what you were. But, you tried to keep up the reputation, because you liked to think of yourself as a toughie.

When Nancy came along, you felt as if it were the best thing in your whole life. You couldn't understand why people didn't fall in love with her like you did. Nancy was controlling, and snappy, and tougher than you -and you loved that. You felt as if she were the mom-like figure you never had. You just a boy that needed to be taken care of. Your whole life became about her.

But, the character you were pretending to be, began to take over. All the people who were using and abusing you were really starting to get to you. The drugs that you took to hide all the heaviness you felt, began to dominate you. Suddenly, you were gone.

You just didn't know how loved you were. Now you do.

Rest in Peace Sid,

With love,
February 2nd, 2008 at 07:46pm