Ah, lunchtime!

I thought it was about time I worte another journal, seeing as Nat does it most of the time!

Umm I dunnae know what to write about, really. Was funny at lunch though- me and nat sit with our other 2 friends, Flora and Karen, and also Ope.

Ope: (looks at year 10 dude)
Us: Ope, you're so checking him out!
Ope: No, I'm not!
Us: Err yeah, you're looking at his sexy legs! (referring to another joke) You're checking his legs out!
Ope:Not just his legs!......

Me and Nat's latest story 'We are AS ONE' is our first joint story, so go check that out!

You can find out more about us lot and our craziness in the story, because the story has all of us in it- its like 90% non-fiction! The only bit that is fictional are some of the scenarios,and obviously the incest bit!

Enough plugging now!

Also at lunch, Flora thought I said Tony (the guy who is going to be in the above story, who we're always laughing about) was fit. *shudder* Seeing as he has ridiculous hair and is quite *cough* feminine, we think he's hilarious.

So me and Nat spent all of PE coming up with songs I could sing him to procalim my love. The best ones of the lot were:

"She's So Lovely"
"She's My Man"

and my personal favourite:

"HAIR in your arms"

(By the way, this is the same guy that was in front of Nat's locker- read previous journal!)

T x

Hehe : )
February 2nd, 2008 at 09:16pm