Avenged Sevenfold 26.01.08 Leeds

We left mine and picked Lucey and Kirsti up at like four.

Not sure when we got there but we DID stop off at a Burger King and got a hot chocolate on the way and took a pic when my dad randomly announced we were at the highest point of the motorway xD:

[[L-R Kirsti, Me, Lucey]]

When we got to the Leeds Uni I did the stupid thing of giving up my hot chocolate [[it was a galaxy one ]] to my mum and leaving my coat in the car as we went to queue up.

Unfortunately we were at the end of the queue lol.
Kirsti did the stupidest thing someones ever done in the queue of a concert. She out her ticket, like, between her lips as she zipped up her coat. It like flew out in the wind and she well shit herself lol. But some random dude picked it up and gave it to her luckily.
But the good side of things is that we met some way cool people xD.
I even remember their names…Linda, Alex, Christian, Tom and Brownie or summit lol. They were awesome.
We chatted the whole time we were in the queue about random shit lol. Like how hot Johnny Depp is, where the wind was coming from, how Lucey and Alex shouldn’t smoke and, of course, Avenged Sevenfold. Me, Lucey and Linda sat on the wall that we were queuing up by and Christian sat on her knee…so she bit him lol.
Oh and Christian ‘knifed’ Kirsti.

Anyways. We were soon at the front of the queue and heading in. They were searching bags but totally missed that Lucey had one. We lost the others [[except Linda who we stuck with cause she’d come alone]].
The Amount of people in there:
Me and Lucey in the crowd:

Black Tide were on first. I cant remember what time exactly.
I didn’t really listen to them. The three of us were too busy trying to get to the very front xD. There were these two guys in blue shirts like “If you wanna get on my shoulders I don’t mind…or we could just go to the bar” to Lucey haha.

Then Blood Simple were on. They were awesome to be honest.
Total ‘lets all jump around and mosh’ type of band haha.
Loved em.
During their set was the closest we got to the stage which was pretty cool.

Avenged came on at like 10pm.
Their set list was:
-Critical Acclaim
-Beast and The Harlot
-Seize The Day
-Brompton Cocktail
-Bat Country
-Almost Easy
Went offstage for a while
Came back on for a encore
-Unholy Confessions.

I can’t remember things in order they happened like but I’ll just list a few things I do remember.

Some legends had a banner saying ‘Sing A Song For Us Johnny’
And Zacky spotted it and read it out.
So they were trying to get Johnny to sing.
It was sooo good.
Syn started playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Johnny couldn’t even reach the mic [[he was over on Syn’s side, we were on Zacky’s]].
I have a vid:

Zacky sang Seize The Day :D :D :D :D
I was trying to film it but everyone was singing over him
So I shushed the crowd…which Kirsti found rather amusing haha.

It was just amazing.
I can’t possibly list everything great that happened cause I’d be here all day.
I can’t even pick a highlight of the concert cause it was all just so awesome.
Them playing my favourite song [[Unholy Confessions]] was amazing.
Zacky’s bow tie, him getting a hat out of nowhere and wearing it the whole set and his guitar ‘magically turning into a acoustic!!’ [[he actually said that…]].
Syn just being his awesome self with his amazing solos and playing random notes when Matt was trying to talk to the crowd.
The Rev getting pissed off with his mic.
Matt going ‘LEEEEEEDS’ at every possible moment…then Kirsti asking me if that included us cause we aren’t from Leeds.
Johnny wearing a woolly hat and sunglasses throughout the whole thing.

They are the greatest guys ever.
Now, I’ve been to see all the bands I count as my favourites [[My Chem(3times), Kill Hannah, Cobra Starship]] and a few others
But the Avenged concert has to be the best I’ve ever been to. They’re great live and have the best stage presence and humour of any band I’ve seen.

Saying bye/the end of Unholy Confessions:

[[I’ll probably post another journal with the vids I took cause they’re better than the pics…they just won’t upload properly at the min]]


February 2nd, 2008 at 09:39pm