Muncher's piss off! #11: Goverment, marrige, jobs, and complaints

Hi, to all my readers. Today i completely sucked up and said thanks. Wow, its a picture moment when i said thank you, cause that does not happen often unless they deserve it. Well, enough talking about ym personal life, on to the rants.

Well, you know what pisses me off? The goverment is now under primary elections and im rooting for obama all the way, i hope you guys do too. Bush, may be a horrible president that hasn't contributed shit to the contry yet, he made americans have a reason to make fun of him. I personally am not going to start my rant off with shit about politics, considering its just the same as everyother political rant about bush.

This one goes out to people who are going to get married. If you gonna damn do it, then make sure its worth it. I personally look at it like this: marriage is the end. I hate it, i look at it as being restained, no more fun, no more fucking around and shit. Its just gonna be peronally, fucked up. Life on the road sound more fun than being damn married. If you get married its tons of bullshit of being in a church for a damn hour, then for a 15 minute ceremony of reading from a damn bible. Fuck that shit, go aitheist.

Jobs, are bullshit also. If you gonna get a damn job do what you LIKE. Damn, im tired of being surrounded by bullshit adults that piss me off and always complaining about shit like their job and dont do shit about it. Why dont you bullshit parental unit go back to goddamn school for yourself. Stop the bullshit and get what you want done.

I always hear people complianing about little things that can be fixed if you do yourself.You goddamn people stand around and wait for things to happen, You all, expect everything to be done for you. Stop being a lazy twat and get it fucking done! It pisses me off so much, alright for all the rich people out there, do something good and tell everyone to fuck off, and do your shit. If someone was taking my damn picture with my permission i punch them, you rich people just file a complaint.

Spreading the opinions,

Message me if you'd like to be interveiwed.
February 3rd, 2008 at 06:21pm