Dude my stupidity has broken free again :(

I saw Meg & Dia again last night over at Stubb's BBQ and The Color Fred, IT WAS AWESOME. But anyways
When meg as at the merch stand I went up to her and well TRIED to strike up a convo...xD didn't work. See last time I met her I was all gigglie cause you know...I love Meg & Dia. Well I giggled again. And told her I've seen them and met her before last year. haha, she looked at me like I was crazy. But then I asked her for her autograph on my Meg and Dia hoodie xD [I have two autographs from her]

We waited for dia...but like last time she didn't show up. But either way while we were waiting. I met Fred Mascherino.

yup, got his autograph, talked to him. I gave him some of my mardi gras beads xD [they were pink stars], he liked them xD. and I got a hug

I should have gotten a picture. But eh.
haha but I liked the hug, it was fun haha I told him "I come bearing a gift. Beaads," haha, he thought it was funny and awesome. so i told him "its a trade, your autograph for beads" then I asked him for a hug and he I got zeh hug, and he thanked me for coming to the show [which I'm sure he thanked everyone who he met ] xD

Still it was fun. he was cool.
February 3rd, 2008 at 10:21pm