I Died

So today.Was really shitty.The guy I like who is also my best guy friend and me got into a huge fight.I mean huge.I dont even know what the fuck I did.Like he was sitting in front of me in ATL and my other friend Bekah was behind me messing with my hair.What she did with it is really cute after the 5th time messing it up.Anyway,Jake my friend was like I have to tell you something so Im like ok tell me.Hes like I cant with Bekah around so Im like Bekah leave so he can tell me.It went on like this for the next 10 mintues basically.Then I was like just tell me Ill end up telling her later anyway.Hes like ok but she still has to leave.Jake and my cousin are friends so Jake,trying to stall,started talking about him and my cousin at our grammas last night.

I guess my cousin wanted to seel Jake my picture.My cousins weird.So Im like Jake just tell me.So last week Jake told me that once Im single hed ask me out.And I like himk but I cant go out with him due to the fact that my cousin is a big meany.But then Im like thats all you had to tell me.Hes like yeah.Im like well that was stupid I already knew that why coudlnt you just say it ealier. This is like 15 minutes before class ends too. Hes like all mad and stuff and I dont even know what I did. Hes not the cutest thing ever, really hes not, but hes really nice.

And my boyfriend hardly acts like a boyfriend.He told Jake that if Jake ever kisses me Jesse, my boyfriend, will punch Jakeàs face and snap his neck.Ouch.So yeah.I was like crying on the bus or trying not to cry all becuase of the fight ,me and Jake had.It really hurt though.Hes like my best friend.And whats even worse Im listening to the song Jake loves.But I will end up doing the one thingI can do best.Slice myself up.
February 4th, 2008 at 11:26pm