...Bad day.

So maybe I'm overreacting, I don't know. But I don't care.

So me and my girlfriend had plans to go to the mall today.
We go to the mall, she complains of having just a little sore throat. Psh, I don't think much about it, I get those all the time. Wow, wrong there!
So, we have a good time. Looking around (not really buying anything, just looking) Hot Topic, Pac Sun, Zumiez, and wherever else. And we go to the food court to sit down. We just sit and talk for awhile, just enjoying the day.
When she starts talking about her stomach again. And then says, "I'm gonna throw up."

"Can you make it to the bathroom?!"


Right when she says no, she puts her hand to her mouth, and she starts vomiting, all over everywhere. I got some on me! So I run to the little restaurant thing, where the guy obviously saw exactly what happened, and I ask- more like demanded water- and he gets me some. Right before it gives it to me, he says he needs money for the water. Blah blah blah!

Fine, whatever, if it were me, I would have given whoever the flip needed the water!

So, I give him the friggin money, and he puts it right into the tip jar!

So I run back to the table with the water, and I see my girlfriend. Barf all over the floor, her jeans are covered in puke, her shirt has it all over it. The table is covered and the floor has a pool now.

The clean up people aren't even around! So we get some napkins, and start to clean up a little bit.

Luckily she was wearing a tank top, so I had her take off her shirt, and I ran over to hot topic and got a bag to put it into.

I get back, the clean up people are there, obviously not happy. At all.

So we went to Hot topic, got a new shirt for her.

We never did find a pair of jeans, since we didn't have enough cash.

So we went back to the food court, and sat down. She thought she was feeling back to normal, so we got smoothies.

She drunk a little bit, and complained that her stomach ache was coming back.


I asked her if she would be fine.

Yeah, she THOUGHT so.

She was feeling pretty crappy about the day, so I went to the hallmark, and got her this stuffed animal which she couldn't put down while we were in there.

While I was there, she called me saying she had barfed, again!

So, I go back to the table, with this awesome stuffed animal.

She loves it, but is so exhausted she can't really say much.

Our ride got there, picked us up, and I went to subway on the way home. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't eat. So we tried some water.

Did that work?

NO! Right when we left, about to get in the car, she puked into the plant for three minutes.

So, all in all. My day frikin sucked.

And so did hers, geez.
Even worse than mine.

I sound kind of selfish.
Don't I?
February 5th, 2008 at 01:59am