Just Thinking...

Today as i was sitting in class, oblivious of my teacher calling on me for the answer to #7 on my math homework, i was thinking. I was thinking about how happy I've been lately, and how well my relationship with my boyfriend has been going, and how surprisingly good my grades have been. A few days ago, i came to the realization that I'm happy with the person i am and the person I will most likely will come out to be, after moving out and going to college. Before, I was never happy with anything I did, I would beat myself up if I did the littlest things I did wrong. Now, I tell my self good job Megan, good job; you know positive things. It really raises your self esteem, and self confidence, making you almost a better and more cheerful person. Currently, I'm 'going out' with a boy that I've known for over 5 years. His name is Nicholas, and he treats me with so much respect. He really knows how to talk to a lady. He said he loved me the other day, that kind of puzzled me though. I was thinking about that too. Lastly, my grades. Notice i wasn't paying attention in class, thinking about all of this? (: Oddly enough, i seem to get by. Mostly B's, and A's an occasional C (only in math and science, i thrive in Geography, and American Literature). Tomorrow we get our grades for the 2nd semester, and I'm a bit worried, I'm not sure why. They should be OK. I guess it's me getting over the fact that i used to beat myself up about stuff like this. I've already gotten into the college i was dreaming to get into (The Art Institute Of New York), for culinary purposes. But the grade's i make now still matter.

And as i sat there, thinking, ithought knew everything was going
to be OK. (:
February 5th, 2008 at 09:39pm