you know what?? (rant)

fuck everything!!
this has been one of my worst days ever because it looks like im either goin to have to drop out of college or be kicked out.

at the start of the year i put down that i wanted to take music tech because i want to be a sound engineer but when it came to the final day of choosing my subjects i doubted myself an told the teachur i couldnt do it because i never took music GCSE an i have no music theory but he said no you will be fine trust me, so guess what i did. but today i was takin a music theory exam and my mind shut down i couldnt think and to make it worse my teachur made a compleat fool out of me infront of my friend. he said well if you cant do this your gunna have to leave the course but if i leave the course im gunna have to drop out of college because i already dropped a course at the start of the year.

im screwed!

but the worst part is telling my parents there gunna be so dissapointed in me an probably angry but i dont know what i can do iv tryed my best but i guess thats just not good enough.

anyway im sure there are people with much worse problems than i have so sorry for the rant.
February 6th, 2008 at 05:27pm