Good Lord What Should I Do? (Animal related post)

Hello there.

Well, for sure - I can't stand it anymore!

For the past six through seven months I've been having these dog snapping problems. Like I said, about seven months ago - perhaps not even that long, these people from Texas I think it was moved into a double wide down the road.

Now since I'm home-schooled and all, and I'm not in any social activities, I like to walk about four miles back and forth everyday for my exercise - and I like to do it knowing I don't have to be afraid of getting my leg ripped off.

Anyways, now at first I thought these people would be decent because they had three kids; all girls, they had a horse (not on the property), chickens, goats and dogs. Well one day their Boxer's got out of the big fenced in area that was made for them; and I helped get them in along with my friend. I thought these dogs were absolutely adorable and loved to be around them. I met the oldest girl not too long after that and we became friends, but never paid attention to each other.

So months later, In the late Summer - early Fall - I decided to pick my walking from four to about six a day. It turns out one of the dogs had been pregnant and had a litter of pups. As far as I know there were only two that survived; and they were albino. They were the sweetest things ever; I liked to pet them when I walked past their house and sent them home if they followed me to far from their property. Weeks went by and nothing really strange happened until one week when my brother and his pregnant girlfriend (she's had her kid now) were walking down the road; the white dogs came out and started to snap, snarl and bite at them. My brother kicked on in the nose; because their was absolutely NO reason for that. So he came come telling me that those white dogs were causing trouble and for me to approach them for any reason.

I did just as I was told and tried to ignore them. Well, those pups decided that I was no different from my brother or his girlfriend and started to snap out at me. I tried to just walk past them and ignore them because they normally didn't bug me unless I looked or paid attention to them. Nope didn't work; they chased after me, barking, snarling - the whole works. Eventually after just standing still they let me be until I would come back and they'd be at it again. Two or three days after this, I was determined to get past them to take my walk no matter what. Like on schedule they came running at me; except this time the smallest of the two albino's took it a step further and started to actually bite out at me.

Despite my rage to go completely insane; I gave it's warning by kicking it in the nose, but not enough to do any damage. It jumped back and left me alone. Went home that night, told my brother - and the people there were complaining that I had been kicking the crap out of them, petting them, ect.ect.ect.

No - I wasn't kicking the crap out of them. If it was between my safety and being the nicest person in the world to let the dog bite me; what do you think my decision would be?

Yes - I did pet the dogs at one time, but I'm not dumb and I'm rather skeptic of neighbor dogs and rarely would even stand within a ten feet range of them without freaking out.

After this little problem, my brother told me I wasn't to walk down there again and said I had to stick to walking on the property; which is 43.9 acres, used for my riding and as a horse field. Did this for a month, got tired of it and pushed the rules and started to walk on the road again, except I didn't go anywhere near that house.

Eventually I asked my mom, after a month or so if I could walk all the way to the end of the road (which is a mile) and she said yes, so long I'm careful. I agreed and that was the end of that.

I was REALLY doubtful; and truthfully frightened but, my walking was the only exercise, other wise than taking care of my horses, I got a day and walking through the field off and on just wasn't cutting it. I went towards the house, and didn't see anything and assumed that they were just sleeping or something because it WAS morning. About ten or eleven.

Surprisingly, I didn't see them at all. Or the day after that, or that, or that, or that... even for weeks - weeks became months and I still didn't see them. I was starting to think those people may have done something to them or just gave them away. However, one thing I DID see were three of the adult boxers in the fenced in pen.

They barked - they snarled - they howled. Anything a good alert system would do.

Weeks later, one got out. Fine, it didn't try to bite me or anything - and I left it alone. We were square. A few days after this, another one got out. This one made me a little insecure because it would actually come up to me and snarl and bark, but never made a move. I didn't care and just walked right by it.

Now time-skip to yesterday, all of the dogs were in the pen yesterday and miraculously survived the big storm last night. I walked by them this morning, they were still in the cage. Move to this evening; they were ALL out. Now this wouldn't have bugged me as much as it did if it wasn't for the fact that one of the three I've never seen out and it didn't seem very friendly every time I went past the cage.

As I expected, here they came, high-tailing it towards me. I stopped and stood still, until I realized one was STILL coming at me so the coward in me appeared and I turned around and started off. But then remembered my dad said never to turn your back to an animal or run; never a good thing. So again I stopped and sort of just stood paralyzed as it snarled - barked - growled - and looked like it was going to jump on my face.

I was completely freaked and my coward came out again and I slowly started to back up, away from the dog. This time, if it wanted to attack, I would strike it right back. About ten seconds later a woman who lives with this old woman, who goes to a church, came out and saw the situation and those dogs ran off faster than a headless chicken on Friday.

Relieved, stressed and pissed off my rocker - I turned around and started home, Catty (the other, non-violent neighbors dog, who took up at my walking buddy) came running after me and just sort of followed me home, waited until I was in and left.

I tried to tell mom about this - she was laughing because her grandchild (my brother's son) was making faces at my dad so I'm sure she didn't hear me. I'm going to try and tell her, or my brother again later.

But good freaking' gravy! What, WHAT - do I have to do, to be able to walk without having darn dogs snarling after me?!

One thing I forgot to include up there, is that I hardly saw the people feed or water them. Let alone give them attention. In some ways I feel bad for the dogs because their owners are scum; but don't because they shouldn't be trying to bite out a frickin' walker...

I would want to say this is animal cruelty because of neglect to care for an animal, but then again, I don't know I don't stalk their property 24/7... I just happen to have a lot time on my hands that I prefer to walk instead of watching TV or something...

Anyone have any advice for me?
This is REALLY getting annoying; and I'm afraid I'll do something I'd regret if this dogs decides to snap out at me again...
February 7th, 2008 at 12:53am