what an eventful couple of weeks..

Hello again fellow mibbians. :)

I've just come back from another break. (From networking.)

As usual, I'm hit with bad luck. Not gradually, but all at once. 2 major things in the coarse of three days. First of all there was an accident with one of my pet birds. While he was out of his cage for his daily exercise one of our cats attacked him. Luckily he survived as he had managed to fly free, but he'd obtained an injury to his eye. I took him to the vet about an hour later, and the veterinarian confirmed his lower eyelid had been torn. He gave us some antibiotic to put in the drinking water, he said we were lucky the bird hadn't lost it's eye, and that it would just be sore for a while. When we got home, I noticed he was limping very slightly on his left foot. :( I wish I'd noticed it before I took him to the vet but I checked it out and couldn't see or feel anything wrong. I'm sure whatever is wrong it can't be bad and the antibiotic will help any problems he has. We have to take him back in about a week for a checkup anyway, I'll mention it to the veterinarian. I'm not gonna feel right until he's better now :(

The second thing, my sister and her boyfriend had an argument. It's no suprise, but Jack (sister's bf) thought she was going to leave him and took an overdose of painkillers. Me and mum didn't even find out until 10pm when Laura got home from working late. An ambulance came and took him to hospital by 11pm. Suprisingly, he came home an hour later with pepto-bismol! Apparently it was Ok to do that because he'd puked most of it up. Incompetent or what?! I've never trusted the local hospital, not after the misdiagnosed my pneumonia as bronchitis and failed to give my cancer ridden grandma proper treatment, who is now dead. It's now the second day after Jack O-D'd, and miraculously he seems ok. He got off lucky. I'm not particularly keen on the guy, I mean sure he can be an asshole from time to time but I never wanted him dead. he'd better not do it again.

I get a lot of bad luck. But atleast my bird and Jack are alive. That's the good news.

There's something else. I have a new addition to my family.

She's 20 inches long and her favourite meal is defrosted mouse.

Last week I bought a baby amelanistic corn snake. She's been doing well so far, having already fed, pooped and shed her skin, which is interesting to have happened all in the first week. I named her amber. Assuming it's a she that is, as when they're young it's hard to tell the gender. I'm really happy with her.
February 7th, 2008 at 03:18pm