Call it whatever you want but yet another random blog entry

Just a random blog entry cause well I'm bored lol. Derek left me a message on my Myspace yesterday about how he sent our picture and a message into the City paper for something their having for Valentines Day. He said that if the picture and message doesn't make it in the paper (which comes out on the 13th) that they said the entries that didn't make it in the paper will be on their website. I thought it was so sweet that he did that.

I got an iTunes gift card over the weekend and went to download last week's episode of 'Paranormal State' well I purchased it and it was in the middle of downloading when I was on the internet and the whole computer froze, so when I turned it back on and went to iTunes it said that I had already purchased it but it wasn’t downloaded so I told it to start downloading it again. It told me I had to had the latest version of iTunes to do that so I download it and go to install it and it said it couldn't. I can't repurchase it again so I have to go without that episode, but I did to make sure I was able to download other things Blake Lewis's CD cause I heard a song of his in Wet Seal while we were out and I like it and before the computer froze I listened to a couple songs off of his website so I decided to download the album from iTunes. I love it, it's my new favorite CD, and my favorite song on there is called 'I Got You'.

My Mom's Uncle Billy died Monday; Billy's wife didn't even call my Mom or Nanny (cause he was my Grandfather's brother) and tell them. My Grandmother (My Dad's Mom) sister saw it in the paper yesterday and knew that Oster was my Mom's maiden name and called my Grandmother who called Nanny and asked her if a William Edward Oster was related to my Grandfather and Nanny said yeah Billy's my Grandfather’s brother. Since we didn't have a paper we looked it up on the Baltimore Sun's website and it was listed. My Mom wanted to go to the viewing today but decided not cause well I know so we'll just leave it at that.

What else, umm oh yeah the Budweiser Shootout is this Saturday YAY A RACE!!! ha ha.

I didn't watch American Idol last night we took Jessie out for a long walk and came home at almost 8:30 so I decided not to watch the rest of it; it was only more Auditions, which have worn on my nerves lol.

Well that's all for now till next time see ya and remember you can try but you just can't stop, fangs up, Cobra Style.
February 7th, 2008 at 07:25pm