Pep Rally... and my klutzy-ness!!!!

Today was a pep rally at my schooll.Yeah for having classes cut short, boo for listening to stupid speeches about sports I don't care about(if you can't tell by my screenname I'm not the most athelic ...or coordinated person).

Well, I was going on the bleachers when I saw this girl who is wicked nice with an open seat next to her. I went to change dirctions when I tripped and fell down the bleachers. I have a nasty bruise forming on my shins.

So I sat next to her and a bunch of my friends came over and Then The best part of pep rally's came ...the Dance Competiotion. All of the sport teams make up rutions and dance to really corney music. Needless to say, I video taped a bunch of clips on my phone. I heart camera phones. You never know when you'll see something funny. Anywho, The step team won in the end. Then they had to face the TEACHERS!!!

My world civ teacher was sorta flailing around and unfortunaltly he didn't do any back flips like last year. So as soon as I get the clips on you tube I'll post the link on here

Then when i was getting off the bleachers I fell. Again. All the way down . Note to self:become more corrdinated. Anyaway, I caught up to my friend who hadn't sit with us and we started to talk. I didn't even notice that I walked into the street. I almost got hit. The crossing guard was all "are you okay?" Thats sorta an everyday occurance for me though.I always seem to almost die at least once a day by my own stupidity. I am constanly fuckin something up. As i said I'm a klutz and sorta a ditz. Then for the last time I went to my homeroom to get my bag, and tripped again. God, today was just not my day!!!
February 8th, 2008 at 12:48am