Of youtube and St. Valentine's Holiday

Youtube started out as a place where people could put up funny videos and music videos and things like that. Now, however, youtube is a stage. People blog about their boring lives in attempts to catch some other person's attention for at least a brief minute.Vloggers record for one of two reasons: the first, to catch the eyes of millions, gain subscribers, make friends with people they don't know, and get millions of comments on their boring lives; the second, they honestly have nothing better to do, so they talk to a camera and, for some strange reason, viewers fall in love with their videos, their personality, their looks. So who wins? The subscribing commenting viewers, who are becoming addicted to watching videos about lives they will never live. The Vloggers, who's fame will grow until they are known by everyone, who will grow used to the fame and be severely upset when the popularity lessens. Maybe Youtube it's self will benefit the most; more people watching the videos means more advertisement. Who wins?

Valentine's Day:
Today the students at my school were given a questionnaire that would tell them who in the school they were most compatible with. The questionnaire consisted of questions such as: "Your favorite place to hang out on Friday night is A) the movies B) the party C) at home D) with friends E) at the mall F) on the field" and "What kind of music do you prefer A) classical B) Emo/Punk C) Rock/Metal D) Yodeling/ Polka E) Hip hop F) Rap G) Pop H) R and B" (Just to put it out there, I don't know one person who would group "emo" and "punk" together, likewise with "rock" and "metal"; to me it's simple insanity). Eventually, the students will be able to purchase a printout of all the people in the entire school who seem most compatible with the student.
I am not an expert on love, I've never had a boyfriend (or girlfriend). I've never been on a date. I've never been kissed. The most personal things someone has done for me are give me a chocolate rose (with a chewed up stem) and ask me out (I told my parents and they said no). Knowing all this, I still don't see how a survey could find love for two people unless it has super love powers and can see inside everyone's souls. I am going to be purchasing a printout (partly for kicks and also to see who is the most like me) and scouting out people, but that's as far as I'll probably go. What I'm afraid of is that I'll match with a certain someone who is very very taken and older. What am I trying to say? I'm asking if it's worth it, to find out or to even try, or if one should just wait for love to find them.
February 8th, 2008 at 06:23am