
I went to see the psych nurse because I'm obviously off on one and need assessment. I'm motoring between feeling really shit to hyper and then to hyper-shit at the moment, so I want them to tell me if I'm bipolar or have a personality disorder or both. Either way, I'm out there and the only thing that I keep sane with is the aforementioned bass playing.

I need some company too in a big way because my little'un (bless her... she's my world!) doesn't say much (she's Autistic) and I don't get to take her to any mother and toddler groups (she won't have them at any price) so I don't see anyone apart from hubby and my parents. My friend says no wonder I'm going insane because the amount of conversation I have is practically zero and my life's akin to being in solitary confinement.

Anyway, the upshot of it is that I'm having a bit of a meltdown!!! Hoorah!!!
February 8th, 2008 at 10:07pm