Prepare for awesomeness, people

All right, who enjoys The Sims 2? Who enjoys watching Sims 2 movies? Well, Ze Real Cookie Fairy and I are that sort of people. So, naturally, what does one do when they like this combination? Why, they attempt to make their own Sims 2 movies for themselves.

And this is what we intend to do.

Coming soon is the comedic production Chester and Tom, two wannabe cool people whose style varies from skater to surfer to gangsta. This somewhat dim-witted duo are reliant on their TV, will easily exchange the other brother for a better version, and have a crush on a valley girl... who cannot speak properly. though sounding commonplace, this has some sparkles of originality within! So, coming soon is the movie/s done by two stuck up people. I'll keep you posted!

February 9th, 2008 at 05:36am