Neo-conservitives in poland, how can you like them?

Ok so I have just finished watching a rerun of "have I got news for you"(brillant show) and I heard a statement that nearly made me throw something at the screen.Aparrantly you can't see teletubies any more in that contry not because of any resens yoiu may think of but becuase apparatly dinki-winki is gay becuase he carried a hand bag in one episode. In the 30s they fought against the invading armies of hitler and fell after that they became communist. There they also failed and now you have it going back onto the past facist views it fought so hard to drive out. There is a higher neo-facist movement in poland then any other country in the world. But the bullshit does not stop there across the atlantic in the "new world" we see america stopping the cookie monster because it supports under age obbesity. It may be just me or does that give you the taste of lazy parents trying to take the easy way out of there childrens obbesity prolems. They are children shows people what would you prefer them to watch porn or south park or jackass. Then in the capitalist persuit in europe most of the contries have taken the same anti cookie monster pledge. That is a part of my childhood dead. When will the madness end......?
February 9th, 2008 at 11:48pm