Maybe I'll se TOKIO HOTEL

Okay I know this is not a wery tight and nice entry but this is what I live for x)
Anyways, Tokio hotel Is in norway the 7.april and I'll try to get me a ticket before it's to late :(
If I won' get to Oslo (that is the place that the consert is ) I'll probably be very sad for a long time,
If anyone is goint to the same conserte i hope I'll see you there ^^ seryesley

I'll die of exitment if i get a ticket, but if I don't get a ticket I'll dye of bordon and emptyness.
I know that it sounds weird but I live for music
I love it

I'm not famus
I'm not Cool
I'm juste a music loving fool

haha littel poem thing that i made when I was htinking the other day ;)
But anyways :D
February 11th, 2008 at 06:06pm