Tips [Is spit spelled backwards]

Is everyone's life falling apart?

No one's "okay" anymore.

You know, humanity has survived for thousands of years, and NOW is probably the most okay we've been.

And somehow, it's also the least.

People always say they feel like they have to pretend, so that no one knows, so that everyone still thinks of them the same way they've always thought of them. They feel like they're hiding behind a sheet and no one sees them. No one understands them. No one loves them.

It's a vicious cycle, because the more we feel like our friends have closed off of us, the more likely we are to hide under a sheet of our own. Light justs doesn't have a place, does it?

Everyone gets tired, everyone gets down. But the more you wallow in your self-pity and talk and dream about your self-pity, the more you pity yourself for, well...pitying yourself.

Pity sucks. Pity sucks unless you do something about it.

Unfortunately, it never seems to be much of a motivation, self-pity, for anything other than more pain.

And WHY? Why doesn't "my life sucks" translate into "let's go buy a smoothie and rent a Matt Damon (or Angelina Jolie) movie?"

Okay, so even the sexiest man of the year/a random hot actress can't fix everything.

Even ICE CREAM can't fix everything.

The point is that sitting in your ass and losing yourself in your head, where you're just going to make yourself more depressed, isn't going to help anything.

Love yourself. Love the people who love you. Love your talents, your accomplishments, and the people who keep you entertained.

For instance, if this journal entertained you, love me. And then I love you. So aren't we both a little happier then?
February 11th, 2008 at 11:03pm