Celebrate Anti-Valentine's Day

That cursed day is coming and again I want to scream! Why should there be a spefic date in which I must show affection for others? Why can't I celebrate my love for them the other 364 days of the year.. Grr. Plus I don't have a date. Boo-hoo. Just kidding. I sorta hate all this mushy crap and I'm not a big fan of dating (mainly cuz most guys don't like the idea of dating a girl who is slightly insane).

Sooo, My friends and I are going to celebrate Anti-Valentines day. It's on Feb 13 and you tell everyone you are close too(and can get away with this) how much you hate them. Then on V-day give them a card and tell them you were kidding. If your friends are anything like mine, they will laugh and take it as a joke. Waring: Do not do this to a person with no sense of humor. Creator is not responsible for any beating you recieve because of this!!!

And on valentine's day we have something very special planed. We are going to dress up as.....Princesses. And not your average princesses but as MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE PRINCESSES!!!! I'm going to be Princess Frank(because I'm sorta short), Lexi is Ray (she has curly hair) Candy as Bob(she has the lightest hair) Mandi as Mikey(geekiest looking out of us) and Dusk is Gerard(she looks like him...Not Kidding).

I really don't know why I want to do it but I seriously love my friends. Mandi and Lexi don't even like my chem but they are doing this for me. This is going to be so much fun

Ps. My name is in a my chem song..Hang 'em high!!! Props to anyone who can guess my name WITHOUT LOOKING AT MY PROFILE
February 12th, 2008 at 03:26am