Rant about Everything.

Yeahh well.
This is basically just gunna be a big rant about everything that's gone wrong.
If it's gunna piss you off, don't read on.

Just tell me where I went wrong. Give me a sign, a hint, a clue. Whisper it in my ear. Write it down for me. S p e l l i t o u t . Whatever - just let me know what's failing.

I feel like I'm barely holding on to you with my fingertips.
Things still feel the same as they did - just like there's something you can't tell me.
Whatever it is baby, I will still love you.

No, actually. You /can't/ just say things like that and then expect me to change.
How many times do I have to tell you that we're just friends before you stop playing mind games? Because that is all we are - just....friends. I promised your brother I'd look after you, and I'm trying my hardest to do that. I loved him more than anything, and I am trying to keep my end of the promise. It's just really hard to do that when you are spinning out of control on purpose. Please, just try and help me out.

Mhm, sure it's okay for you to date him. -.o''
Come on, girl. You're doing just to spite me. I really don't care what [[ or who ]] you do in your own time. You know how much trouble he's giving me, so it's not helping my conscience any with your man ringing me every other night, telling me that he loves me.
I can see you trying to hate me over it, but Sugar, it's just not my fault.

You might /think/ you're helping me, by putting pressure on me to tell you everything.
When I say, "Don't worry, I'm just thinking." - Funnily enough, it means just that.
I need times to think things over. I don't need to tell you everything. I'm a big girl. I can think for myself. If I need a friend's help, I'll ask you.

If you've read this far, I apologise for the whine.
February 12th, 2008 at 06:47am