And POOF! My screen went black.

At first I thought it was doing some random re-boot, and would flash back on any second. Five minutes later... still blank. Yippee.
So I did what any computer/techno failure would do, and I pushed any button I could find. Every one. I even flipped my laptop over and moved some of the switch-y thingys, removing some weird do-hickeys. Ok, whosoever idea it was to give me a laptop was brain dead. Anywhoo, so I put everything back where I had removed it from, and finally resorted to bashing my keyboard in. Classic.
Suddenly! Out of no where a red light starts flashing on my laptop. Dude, I was just waiting to hear that recorded woman's voice like in the movies saying: 'The computer will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2 ...'
Thank god that did not happen. I was relieved, to say the least. But that didn't stop the fact that my computer was not working. Any and all of my brain power went MIA.
So, like the common sense kind of gal I am, I called up my pops. After a long, complicated conversation with him, I grabbed my laptop and pulled it off of my desk, only to find the power cord was laying there. Unplugged. MY BATTERY HAD DIED BECAUSE I FORGOT TO PLUG IT IN. DUH! Wow, I just.... wow. I felt so stupid. Trust me, my dad's been using this against me for hours.
"What's wrong Christina? The power cord not plugged in?"
"Maybe it would work if CHARGED."
Ugh. It sucks.

Have you ever experienced something like that?

Screw computers. I hate them, officially. But i bet you already knew that.

Random fact: My pinky finger is cold. My other fingers? Just fine. My left pinky? Cold as Alaska.

Man, that was draining.

RUBBER BANDS ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!!!! =) unless being used in hypnosis.

Later gators!
February 13th, 2008 at 02:40am