I hate doctors.

Well it does not really have to be a doctor. Nurses too. I can't stand any of them!! God!!! See it all started when I fell. Pretty hard to imagine that since I have awsome balance...NOT!.

Well, I didn't fall just anywhere like a normal person. No I just had to fall off of the bus. Who in the hell falls off of a bus for no reason! I do.

Unfortunatly for me, I'm the ONLY one who laughed. That is horrible, others are supposed to laugh. If they don't well its akward and wierd. Man whats wrong with peole these days!

Then everyone (bus driver, friends, random people, and teachers) are all telling me to go to the nurse. So against my better judgement, I went to shut them up.

I got there and told her I fell....off the bus....in frount of the building.....and that I was fine. She got the bright idea to call my MOM who works to inform her I fell. Yay I was so not happy about that.

Oh and whats wrong with combat boots!! She goes quotes " its a good thing she had on a pair of, excuse my language, but some combat boots." What the Hell is up with that!!

Then she puts a bandage on my knee because I scraped it up, wraped my knee up, and then wraped my ankle as well.

Yeah I am so awsome, I fall and damage both my ankle and knee on the same leg. Turns out i spranged them both. Wow I'm good. But I could walk so to me that equals that I AM FINE.

No one else thought so. I was taken out of school, which I want to avoid, because if you miss no days of school you don't have to take finals. Damn that nurse she ruined my life.

I was given pain pill that DON"T work, and sent back to school the next day. I was FINE. All three of my doctors said I was okay. Yeah count it, I had THREE doctors see me.

I go back and she puts me in a WHEELECHAIR!! I don't do wheelechairs. No way. Not happening. It draws attention to an acident prone person. So not good.

I ran into walls, which is not easy to do really. Got my fingers stuck into the chairs wheeles.
And insulted several people. Who knew when you flip someone off they get mad. My bad.

Yeah I am just trying to get myself killed. I can't stand wheelechairs. They put me in a really BAD mood because people seem to think it equals cripple. And I was so NOT. I was fine, just no one would listen to me at all.

God so terrible. Well this happened Thurs. last week. I was so harrassed I was not able to use the computer. Life sucks, but thankfully I got rid of that damn wheelechair. ^-^
February 13th, 2008 at 11:21pm