My first update

There, I've updated my page.

I added a simple Layout (ripped from the forum), changed the Font type to "Lucida Handwriting" and added some poems.

The four poems I've added are all quite old. The oldest one being 5 years, the "newest" one being 1,5 years. Yes I've got more of them, but you'll just have to make do with these for the moment. The rest of them, which only exist on paper (Yes, I write on PAPER...), have to be digitalized before I can add them (Duh...).

But since poems and stories look better on paper than on a computer screen, I'm a bit reluctant to do so. Not to worry though. If you like my crappy poems, you'll be happy to hear that more crap is on it's way. And no, I'm NOT talking about my body producing brown-colored heaps of reeking...mushy....shitty stuff....

Well then. Uhm. Like. Bye!

*waves once*
*waves twice*
*waves thrice*
*runs away scared*

--> Marco <--
February 14th, 2008 at 07:30pm