Another journal entry on a sucky V-Day...and other stuff as a bonus.

So, I woke up this morning not at all looking forward to today. I just hate Valentine's Day, especially after last year's humiliations. I know it's a great day to express love and all, but if you really love your boyfriend/girlfriend, or really want to ask out your crush, you've got 364 other days a year to do it and I don't think you should need a special day.

Anyhow, I went to track in the morning and the cliques were even more tightly seperated than usual, all gossiping about "OMG I'm gonna get 2935393573457 Valentines and you're not!!!!!1111" and whatnot. Spanish passed in the same manner.

Band was fun though, because the top band was playing a demo for the 5th graders coming in next year so all the band, choir and orchestra kids in 3rd period got to hang out. I started writing this story that my friends and I have been thinking about for a while. Where the school, students, faculty and all get snowed in by this apocolyptic snowstorm for weeks upon weeks with no contact in the outside world. I'm thinking about changing the names and stuff and then putting it on here, if it's good enough.

During lunch every year during V-Day we have a carnation sale, and naturally, practically everyone buys one. I got one delivered to me by a friend who said it was from a random guy.

Later on I put two and two together and figured out it was just one of my other friends trying to make me feel better about being ignored. I ended up feeling worse. I hate getting sympathy when there's nothing to be sympathetic about. Kind of like yesterday when I accidentally cut my thumb and they freaked out. I mean, yeah, it was bleeding for half an hour, but it didn't hurt beyond being a little dizzy and it wasn't necessary.

Science also annoyed me because this dude who shares with me a mutal feeling of extreme hatred asked me to be his Valentine. It was the same thing last year, and I got slightly pissed off just like last year because I know he's doing it because he and his friends know better than anyone (seeing as they made that hate site) that I'm not well-liked.

I suppose I'll shut up now.
February 15th, 2008 at 01:45am