It's been a while... Happy Valentines Day

Or as I call it,
Singles Awareness Day
Everyone that's ever been single on V day knows what that means

But what's with this emphasis on love for just a day?
Shouldn't we be trying to love everyone all the time?
Isn't loving part of being human?
If that's so what's the point of having a day devoted to it?
In that theory love should be in our lives enough for us not to have a day that focuses on nothing but the superficial facade of "Love"
Presents don't equal love presents equal money
Love is almost the polar opposite.
Money is the reason we deny human nature and instead of loving our fellow humans we try get the better of them
You know "Dog eat dog"

Sorry rambling on Valentines Day (SINGLES AWARENESS DAY)
February 15th, 2008 at 08:24am