It's not what you get out of it, it's what you put into it that really matters.

A lot has happened in the past few weeks.

Some good things, and some not-so-good things.

But I guess life isn't supposed to be simple and laid out nicely for you.

During the school holidays, after about two years of saving...

That's two years of dead hard labour. Washing your Mum's bosses car isn't easy when he lives on a farm. Teaching a kid guitar can be pretty tough. And forcing myself to steer away from the CD stores in the mall so I don't get even slightly tempted was extremely heart-wrenching.

...Anyway, after two years of saving, I finally got to walk into the RockShop to pick up my beautiful baby.

A Fender Squire Stratocaster.

This is like, the guitar I've been dreaming of ever since I began dreaming about guitars, and he's absolutely perfect.

Back on subject, so I have this perfect little beauty, and I've been waiting since CHRISTMAS EVE 2007 to show him off to my guitar tutor, Ray. But guess what? I return to school, and my music teacher, Mrs Wakelin, tells me that apparently he's NEVER COMING BACK.

Hmm... reality shock.

But let's look on the brightside, at least I wont have to learn songs by 'The Beatles' anymore.

But I'm still gonna miss him. Ray, that is.
I mean, the dude frickin' visited me in hospital and delivered me this stack of songs to work on while I wasn't coming to lessons, and asked me every lesson how hospital was getting on, and how I was, etc etc.

He was great.

But life goes on, and people move on. But I'll never forget the time his wife sent him a txt asking if he wanted macaroni cheese for dinner.

Good times, good times.
February 16th, 2008 at 10:36am