This World Is Only Gonna Break Your Heart! [Homophobes]

Hey Guys...

This goes out for Bisexuals, Homosexuals.

This World Is Only Gonna Break Your Heart! It's very true... Why?

Let's see... Something good happens you. You get all happy, and you get your hopes up that life isn't that hard I could survive. Wrong! Wait a while. That happiness will soon fade and life is gonna kick your ass. Once again! Then you sit on your bed lights off, doors locked, listening to your favorite Sad song crying. You whisper I'm worthless.. Why are you different? Why couldn't God make you like the rest of them? Then you blame yourself because you get no answer from anyone.

You feel worthless because about 80% of the population is a homophobes. Your loose your hopes when you find out that the girl/guy you like is a homophobes. You loose your self respect when people find out that your Bi/gay/lez because you get pushed into lockers hard, you get called names, people are giving you dirty looks just cause your different. Just cause you see the world differently. You panic when your parents find out because you might get kicked out. Your parents hate you. They tell you what a worthless shit you are or give you dirty looks. Heartbroken..

You start drinking to get rid of the ache you feel in your broken heart. Soon you realize it isn't working so you move on to pills.. You mix it with alcohol. But that only works for a few hours. So you mix some pills and you wash it down with the nearest alcohol. It works longer. But not long enough. You go to school you put on your fake smile, and walk into class. You get a few dirty looks but you shrug it off. Class ends, and you go to your locker to put your shit away. You get ready for your next class. You close your locker and start walking. A few kids come up to you saying you look rather fat.. They laugh, and walk away. You got more people saying it, so you decide to look in the mirror. I am fat.. you whisper. It's not true at all. You are perfect the way you are.

You hate yourself more now. You try to fix it with throwing up after your meals. Now you are satisfied with how you look. You keep doing it until your skin and bones. You look in the mirror now, and you smile. You don't think your fat now cause threes nothing on you. You walk to school with a stomach ache. Hey at least it eases the pain in your broken heart. You do your usual routine. You get your stuff, go to class and so on. But you hate Wednesdays. You have gym. You have to wear shorts, and T-shirts. To make it worse it's yellow. You hate that color. You have no choice you have to wear it. You walk out last to the gym. You get in your spot, hearing laughs, and gasps as you walk. You look at your arms and legs [even know you know what you were hiding under your clothe]. You see deep red lines about everywhere. You wish you had your nice black hoodie with you now. You get through your living nightmare, and go home. You do nothing different. Eat, throw up, drink, pills, cut, look in the mirror, take a shower, pass out.

Nothing is working out for you. What's next? Suicide.. You hesitate. You go a few days, and finally decide that life is not worth living. You locked yourself in the bathroom while mum, and dad are having fun in the other shower. You get your razor out, and close your eyes. Your hands are shaking of fear, and you haven't eaten in 3 days. You get your courage ad cut the most important vain in your wrist. You wince in pain, and look how deep it was. It was pretty deep. Blood was everywhere on your wrist now. You cut a deeper one, and drop the razor. You become dizzy, and the bathroom is running around in circles which makes you more dizzy. You feel like you are gonna throw up from the spinning bathroom. You take another look at the floor, and your arm. All you see is blood. You close your eyes, and all you see is black.

forever... All because of Homophobes... You didn't make it till 28...

Am I the only one that feels this is life? Am I the only 1 that feels this way?
Am I the only 1 who's life is gonna end?
I don't wanna go down this road.
Don't end your life just because you are different...
I say we could change the world!
We could prevent kids dieing every year just cause they are different!
Who agrees?
Post the bunny as a comment if you agree that young adult's should not end their life's just because of Homophobia!

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Put him as a comment
(*)_(*) and help him on his

I'm not on pills, nor do I drink, or cut! Just afraid...
February 16th, 2008 at 06:33pm