RANT! About Boys!! For All Girls!

I'm tired of you not noticing me.
I'm tired of you flirting with my friends.
I'm tired of you liking all of my friends.
I'm tired of you flirting with me and not meaning it.
I'm tired of you liking me for a day then ignoring me for the next 4 months.
I'm tired of you not thinking I'm beautiful.
I'm tired of you not liking me.

I'm tired of you flirting back with him.
I'm tired of you lying to me about my face and beauty.
I'm tired of you giving me fake hope when you know he likes you.
I'm tired of you not caring about my feelings because you don't know about them.
I'm tired of you being so darn pretty.
I'm tired of you being so blind to it all.

I'm tired of you crying on the scale.
I'm tired of you insulting me when I look in the mirror.
I'm tired of you calling me ugly, fat, and worthless.
I'm tired of you telling me to stop caring about him.
I'm tired of you telling me to care about him.
I'm tired of you saying to me that I should care about what he thinks.
I'm tired of you giving me contradicting advice.
I'm tired of you not moving on.

I'm tired of you passing by me without a word.
I'm tired of you trying to make my friends like you.
I'm tired of you not even treating me like I'm a person.
I'm tired of you not even treaating me like I exsits.
I'm tired of you not even thinking about me.
I'm tired of you liking someone else and not me, but still leaving me hanging.
I'm tired of you.

I'm tired of me stuck on you.

February 17th, 2008 at 07:09am