Despite all my rage...

...The Smashing Pumpkins didn't play Zero last night.

But that's all besides the point and I'm getting way ahead of myself already.

So, last night, (Saturday 16th Feb) my dad took me to see the Smashing Pumpkins at the 02 Arena. Guess what?

I didn't get drunk.

Yeah, I know, shocker. The last gig my dad took me to, just me and him, I had 5 ciders, half a pint of beer and I passed out halfway through Tool's set.

Nope, last night, I had one cider. Only because my dad refused to get me drunk there, in case I passed out again.

Honestly? I don't have a set-list. I felt so ill last night, I was just trying to either:
a) not throw up on the people around me
b) pass out.

It was their lighting, I swear, the yellow and purple lights were so harsh they gave me a headache and made my eyes stream. They were streaming anyways, from my contacts, but the lights just made it 10 times worse...

So, aside from the lights and distinct lack of alcohol, it was a pretty good gig.

They played too much off Zeitgeist and not enough of their old stuff. Like I said; they didn't play Zero!

That's sacreligious, seriously, that and Bullet with Butterfly Wings are my 2 favourite Pumpkins songs. They did play Bullet, I'll give them brownie points for that, and they played Tonight, Tonight. But still. No Zero!!

The songs they played were done really well, although they started doing those stupid guitar solos halfway through songs. You know, the one's that last 2 days and give you enough time to leave the standing area, get a beer, drink it and go back for 3 more...

The beer cup tradition lives on. Walking across the venue, in the dark, water in hand, and my foot went straight into some fat dude's beer cup.

Then, halfway through the set, I slipped over a glass beer bottle.

Which is stupid, they don't give you plastic bottle lids, when you buy a bottle of water, but they give you glass beer bottles when you buy a bottle of beer. Yes, because hitting Billy Corgan in the middle of his [Voldemort looking] face with a glass beer bottle would hurt less than hitting him with a plastic lid...

*sarcastic clapping*

Well done to the guy who came up with that idea...

Well, I'm all sarcastic-ed out, my rant is over and if I find a set list, which a can "borrow" from the internet, I will put it in here...
February 17th, 2008 at 12:05pm