Great Show!

Yesterday was a great daY for me. I wAs part of a great show with my dance school. I performed at stratford cirus theatre, and even got to speek with that Brendon Cole guy from Strictly Come Dancing. Hes actually not a very nice person coz he seemed really moody but whatever. The crowd was really amazing and i really cant wait till the next show.

The only thing about the day which pissed me off was some girl who was sharing the dressing room hid my boots from me to try and stop me from going on stage. I was so pissed and she denyied the whole thing. I found them though in the end.

My dance teacher Sim aka 50 cent look alike said in the next show my dance group could do a hip hop dance with punk music, and wear all rock sorta clothes!

February 18th, 2008 at 08:58pm