I wonder what motivates people.

I wonder what motivates people to try to become involved in what they know little about.
After all, a one-sided story is often misleading.

And to make matters even worse, I don't even get to know who is so self-important they feel the need to instruct me on how to behave. Ah, the joys of anonymous messaging.

She (yes, I at least know it's a she) herself told me that she is "sure she doesn't know what's going on". Yes, that is in context. And yet she won't tell me who she is, so I'm left here feeling worse than before because some anonymous bitch thinks she's god.

Sorry. You aren't. So stop telling me I need to decide what I want. What I want and what I'm willing to risk to gain it are two very different things.
February 18th, 2008 at 09:25pm