Well, that's my two cents.

Erin & I go with my friend Nate to his youth group every Sunday.
Basically, we just play murder in the dark for an hour and then do something in a little group for five minutes.
Erin's Pagan, I'm Agnostic, and Nate's a Quaker.
He doesn't say anything about it, but I know it gives Nate piece of mind to take us there.
His brothers aren't his only company and I think he worries about us going to hell.
Sure, it makes us, or me at least, pretty uncomfortable when we, for lack of a better description, do something church-like.
Erin is grounded, so it was just Nathaniel and I yesterday.
It was the first time we didn't play games the entire time.
They were talking about relationships, and it was like school.
Sort of.
But then the leader, Liz, said something that really didn't stick with me right.
She told us that in order to be completely happy in a relationship, we have to have peace with God.
She thought, naturally, as it's youth group, that every person in the room believed in God,
so I'm not going to disagree with her entirely.

I'm not saying there's not a God.
There may be.
I just have my own personal beliefs.

I think that in order to be happy in a relationship, you don't need to be at peace with God specifically.
Just be at peace period.
Like, at peace with yourself.
Content with who you are.
If your religious belief is what gives you peace with yourself, then good for you. Rocketh on.
But what if it's something else entirely?
What if it's music that puts you at peace?
Or your family?
I'm at peace with myself.
I'm aware that nothing I say sounds right,
and that I'm one of the biggest geeks to contaminate Ohio.
I'm cool with that.
I find peace in music, my family, my friends.
Feeling the wind on your face and smiling when I smell Spring.
Or laughing until I cry.

That's just what I think.
February 19th, 2008 at 02:55am