more Birthdays

Today is my birthday...I got 4 calls at midnight last night saying "happy birthday" dad hasn't called, but I expected that....we don't expect much from him anymore...he never does anything for us....he never even calls us...
Everyone keeps asking how it feels to be 14, it is no different than being 13....just like being 13 was no different than being 12.....
mmm.....cake....i wish we still had cake...its all gone....i love cake...

Birthdays are the worst time to be home.... but apparently my mum doesn't understand that.
my sister is making breakfast for me...and then I am going to hang out with one of my friends..
I wish today was more exciting...but it isn't......hopefully they bring me out to do something tonight....
well...I should go find more stuff to do....
February 20th, 2008 at 03:26pm