It's fucking retarded. People can't listen to their i-pods or mp3 players during lunch but they can fucking play guitar hero?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That's fucking gay as hell man! It's soooo fucking stupid. It's not like we're taking a test or something. I just got my i-pod taken away and I got so pissed that I mouthed off to a teacher and fucking threatened her. This isn't me. I'm turning into something horrible and it's scaring me. I don't threaten people (especially a teacher) or back talk them. I'm the good student in the classroom that tries her hardest to get an A and never does anything wrong. I've never done something like that before. They're probably going to call my mom and i'm going to get in so much trouble. i can pretty much kiss the Panic! concert goodbye. if i was even going to go.

Carlie says she wants me to go but I can tell you right now that she doesn't. I can guarantee that. she wants to be alone with parker. i'm the fill-in friend for the fill-in friend! i'm fucking pathetic. i have no social life because i live out in the middle of no where and i don't have a car. i don't have a boyfriend so obviously there's something wrong with me. all of my friends are leaving me to have other friends. it's like i'm not important anymore. what the hell is wrong with me and why does no one seem to care?

i hate me life. i just want to die.
February 20th, 2008 at 05:51pm