The Regrets Are Useless.

Okay, I'm very romantic/sappy/corny.
I'm admitting this before hand so your all aware...I know. No need to tell me.

I believe if you want someone to go for it without any repercussions. That if you feel something special with a person that nothing should stand in your way to get to them.
I however can be the biggest hypocrite.
I never get the nerve to tell people how I really feel. I don't have it in me.

This person, truly is amazing to me. Yes I can talk and breathe normally when he is around but when he isn't, my stomach gets butterflies just thinking of him. I know I have the stupidest smile on my face when I think of him, and when I'm with him [this part is the honest to Gods truth] I can barely stand. My knees want to buckle and its by the grace of God I don't just fall over.

But can I tell him that?
No. Of course not. Every time I even think about telling him that I might be in love with him I start shivering. I don't even have to be looks like I'm going to have a seizure.
Anyway...its the worst feeling and its become the only thing I can think of.

Sitting in class it might look like I'm paying attention...or in more recent events...uh taking a test, but nope. Hes the only thing.
Making plots to tell him, but damn well knowing it could be the best lines ever uttered and they wouldn't come out of my mouth. Hes become a very big part of my life and its extremely painful sitting by without saying a word.

Don't be like me. Don't sit around, emotions covered up and wondering how the other person feels. Because if you do, you might just miss out on something amazing.
If someone means something to you and you just cant seem to forget their face or the sound of their voice...tell them as soon as you can.

Trust me...I wish I could.
February 21st, 2008 at 12:05am