I was talking to my friend today and we were disussing Nick and Norah's infinate playlist. I can't wait for it to be made into a movie. Part of me is scared they are going to fuck it up. I heard it will have a PG-13 rating. Gosh fucking Dammit. They won't be able to have any of the "sexually explict" scenes in it. GRRRRR

I love Juno and think Michael Cera did a good job. Can he be my ideal man, the Nick i have drooled over in thought? Can he be the senistive, bass playing, funny sweetheart I love? Only time will tell.....Comments

My friend gave up Ferard for LENT. All I could say was WTF??? (this is a dif friend) I don't want to go into that suject anymore. She is slighlty crazy. She named her Fish Bob Bryar!!!And she decided I am BOB!! I have no idea why! Luck fucker gets to be Gerard. I would of asked to be Frank but that would of been akward.

So I still haven't told my best friend I'm Bi/Pansexual. I only told her I have something very important to tell her. I hope I don't chicken out.

I got my braces off yesterday. It feels WIERD!!!!

Well, I guess This is Goodbye

So long and Goodnight, So long and Goodnight.....
February 21st, 2008 at 06:01am