No, what are YOU really made of?

In response to: honestly, rachel? a load of bull crap.

Honestly, Rebeca?
On your foot, it is.

Notice how through all of that,
you've still got people by your side
which obviously means you're not exactly the devil, darling.

I know it's not easy for you,
heck, you've got more on your plate than any eighth graders should have to feast on,
but please understand that at our age,
it's not easy for anyone.
There are different levels of difficulty,
and no, I don't mean like a video game.
I mean in the grand scheme of things (whoops, there goes that whole live in the moment, not the big picture thing)
most of the things we argue and lie and cheat and steal and say and think and wish and wish and wish about
are completely trivial bits of nonsense.
To us, they mean the world and right now that's all that matters.
I get that, and I respect that.

Things are as easy or difficult as you make them for yourself.
Lying and cheating and stealing and saying and thinking and wishing will only get you so far
and there's only about a 50/50 chance it will get you where you want to go.
I know we're trying the new This is Now approach,
but I still think it's important to take a step back now and again
and see what direction everything is steering in.
Jesus can take the wheel,
he can take it from your hands,
and no, you can't do this
but if this were meant for Jesus to handle,
you'd be short, bearded, and a God-given miracle, wouldn't you?
(Two out of three ain't bad, I guess.)

I don't hate.
I misjudge at times,
but unless you are truly the root of all evil right alongside Hitler and Saddam,
I will not make an unjust decision about you or anyone.
Don't think that I haven't thought horrible, awful, spiteful, evil things.
Where do you think all this... I don't know... optimism? joy? obliviousness? Or whatever you choose to call my demeanor
comes from?
I keep the bad thoughts inside
and reflect on them when necessary.
Sure, I vent,
but never without consequence.
And I think it's the realization that there are consequences
and that they are in the nearer future than expected
that keeps me from releasing it all.

I'm not saying drop that guard we all put up in defense against both enemy and friendly fire,
but know that it's hard to shoot at someone
who hasn't done anything to you.
Don't give people a reason to make things difficult.
They will pounce at the chance, I guarantee it.
But starve them of that opportunity
and they go off in search of an easier target.

You can do more than try.
You can succeed.
February 24th, 2008 at 06:05am