I am an arms dealer...dodododo

Okay, so, I know Patrick doesn't sing that, but it sounds like it, but that's besides the point.

The point is, today kiddies, I got my cap and gown. And I look like a retard in it. I'm serious. I flapped around my room hoping that would make things better, but it didn't. I give up. But, hell, I graduated, and that's what matters.

I went out with my previous ex for lunch today. He still thinks he's the shit. He is not the shit. I wanted to kick the avaitors off his face. But, he paid for my food, and was fairly decent company. Besides when he tried to convince me to have sex with him again. Seriously. I have a boyfriend...and he HAS a girlfriend. Why does every guy friend that I come in contact with, want to get in my pants? I thought high school boys were bad, but college guys are WORSE. All they THINK about is sex. I'm for serious now. They may play it nice in the beginning or whatever, but in the long run: SEX. Gwah. Like...when I broke up with formentioned ex a little over a year ago, guys heard I was single and came out of the woodwork to pursue me (which I still find hella weird). I ended up dating five diffrent guys and narrowed it down to two. The Almost Army Officer and the Preacher's Son. I liked the Almost Army Officer better, because the Preacher's Son was a bit too crazy for me. Weird, I know. But, we went to our local small town downtown resturaunt because one of our college professors and his band was playing. They were real groovy, yo. They play old music and shit. That's BESIDES THE POINT. But, we danced and had a good time, and, when the time came for me to go home and scrub the smell of booze and sweat off, he walked me to my car, we got in, and chatted. He told me that I needed to give up on Almost Army Officer, because Preacher's Son (him) was a better choice, and all Almost Army Officer wanted to do, was get in my pants. I found it a little weird, but I nodded and smiled, like a good college girl does. And he kept yapping on and on about this, and then he looks me square in the eye and asked me when I was going to kiss him. I lied, and said I obliged by the three date rule. And he pitched the biggest hissy fit, and THANK GOD at that moment, my mother called me. I threw him out of the car, and sped home. ( I live with my parents, because I have the whole bottom half of the house to myself. Free rent = teh win.) And so I went back the next day and asked Almost Army Officer if he told Preacher's Son all he wanted to do was to get in my pants. He said, no, he did not tell him that. And...I believed him. Because, about a week later, I invited Preacher's Son over to my bitchin' pad. And the boy, believe it or not, was all over me, and tried to have sex with me. HMM. So, after he wasn't able to get it up, (HAHAHA) he went home, and I took a shower, and had an epiphany. So, I sad FU to Preacher Boy and told Almost Army Officer that he won the contest. And so, now, Almost Army Officer is 2nd LT Platoon Leader Boyfriend....that didn't make sense, but whatever. I actually asked him the other day if he really didn't tell Preacher's Son about the whole pants thing, and he was like, hell no, he told me that, but yes, I did want to get in your pants. BADDA BING. I win.

Wow. That came out of NOWHERE.

The End.
April 11th, 2007 at 03:42am