Ready to Jump With No Gurantees

It's funny, in life we always want gurantees. Gurantees on everything we buy. Gurantees on our appliances bought, our insurance, our cars, even our clothes we buy have some sort of gurnatee. We're guranteed that if we're not satisfied, we can get our money back and return the bought product. If it's specified that there is no return, that we're not guranteed satisfaction or that we are not guranteed we can return or exchange said purchase, what do we do? We hesitate. We think more logically, and maybe eventually go another way, right? People need a promise or gurantee before taking that final step in commitment, and if it doesn't work out...there's a soft cushion bottom to fall back on just in case we trip and fall.

What about love?

What about relationships?

There are no gurantees. None. There can't be. It's impossible to gurantee something, anything will happen or not happen between two people who have feelings for each other. Then how is it that we as people take such precaution with everything but love? How do people so easily fall into love? There being no gurantees, no "for sures", no soft cushion landing if we fall. How can we jump in something when the outcome is completely unpredictable.

When people go to buy something, there's always that overly-friendly salesman that put on way too much cologne covincing us to get the "best" or if that fails, to get anything at all. They're always offering "extra" packages, return policies, features, et cetera.


In love, there is no salesman offering up the store to get into our wallets or in this case, our hearts. We don't wait for the best deal because no one is offering it to us in addition to something else. How many people would pay alittle extra for that "best deal" or gurantee. People so easily and frequently fall in and out of love without knowing the outcome. It takes weeks, possibly months, for someone to buy that perfect refrigerator they want maybe even need, but as soon as that new, exciting, attractive person walks by making our hearts pitter-patter, we're ready to jump at the oppurtunity to fall in love. We're already convinced, within a split second, that that is what we want.

In the back of our minds, you know the outcome could be painful and devastating, but the thought of the amazingly wonderful and completely overwhelming beginnings of love completely erases any qualms we may have. This notion overshadows anything negative that may occur. People everywhere are jumping into the "pit" known as love. There is a bottom to this "pit", which everyone hopes not to hit after they've jumped. The reality of it is that we do not think about the bottom or the fall we may have to endure, all we think about is the exhilarating rush we get from jumping.

Some people jump into the "pit" many times in their lives. If you've hit the bottom, you have to heal from the fall depending on how far you fell. But once we heal, we just can't wait to jump again until that final time when we grow wings and fly out of the "pit" into a much more complex yet wonderful and unpopulated area.

As foolish as it is, we still want to jump, I want to jump. I'm ready to jump into the "pit" and create new experiances and to explore the unknown. Unfortunately you can't jump alone, it's forbidden and impossible. Like a rollarcoaster that won't run until there's someone sitting next to you. You've just got to hope that there's a single rider just like you somewhere around.

If there is no one to jump with you than your forced to sit at the edge of the "pit" and watch as couples jump over and over into love. You sit there watching all these people jump while you yearn to jump alongside them. Most think they're flying before they come in contact with the bottam, some will plummet, and fewer will soar, but these "single riders" are watching the bright beaming smiles of the ones who get to finally jump. The ones jumping for the first time are always the happiest.

Who can't wait to jump again, even if we break a few bones, or just get a few scrapes? We may even learn to fly. A lot of us pine to jump, and feel envious to those who are jumping and who feel that rush. Not many, including myself, can't wait to find someone to jump with so we can finally jump and feel like we're flying even if in reality we're just falling with a smile on our face like everyone else.
February 27th, 2008 at 06:38am