You Know What, I'm Starting To Feel Vaguely Better About Myself!

Hello, once again!
Well, it's 2008 and things are starting to look...better. It's weird. I ave way more friends, I'm studying harder and more and i'm actually enjoying school. I guess it's all thanks to my friends and one friend in particular who made me realize that your life is too short for you to be complaining about, so why make life shorter?

He's really helped me through the good and bad by reminding me that his mom is dead and that it isn't worth while. Look at all the friends you leave behind and all the hearts you break. Is it really the message you really want to leave behind by screwing up people's lives?

I will still wear black and still be into the same stuff that I was into before (because it's interesting), but I will be more optomistic on the outlook of life, because it's all we have and all we'll ever have, so why waste it?

I guess it was just a phase and I guess everyone goes through it, and, hey, who knows, it may happen again, but in the mean time, I will choose a happier/ more opptomistic approach on how I look at reality because if I want to keep my grades up and jeep the friends I have, I better not fuck it up now!
February 27th, 2008 at 10:09am