
So, was anyone else here woken up last night by the earthquake that happened in central England?

I had just fallen asleep when it started, and then I was woken up thinking "What the fuck?!". My whole bed was shaking and my wardrobe doors were banging, my dog was going insane. It was a really weird, quite scary twenty seconds in my opinion. The fact that I was half-sleep made it seem all the more frighting, you know?

And it was so quiet afterwards, like, deadly silent, that made it even scarier. I know compared to some of the Earthquakes in other countries it was barely anything, but you just don't get earthquakes like that in England, it's the first earthquake I've ever experienced. Apparently it's the biggest that has happened in England in twenty-five years.

My cousin Alys thought it was just her dreaming. XD She only realised it actually happened this morning. I know some people who slept through it, but I have no idea how. The first thing people were saying to each other at school this morning was "Did you feel it?".

It made last night interesting, to say the least.
February 27th, 2008 at 05:31pm