My very silly first journal.

Okay, so this is my first journal. WHOOT WHOOT PART-AYY! OKay so I guess I'll start with something.
I like strawberries. They are really tasty, I eat them like everyday. They are blood red and I guess that's why I find them so appealing. *shrugs* Hm, did you know they are the only fruit that don't ripen after being picked? Huh.
Well I completely despise P.E., Phys. Ed., or gym or whatever you wanna call it! It's annoying when you have a gym teacher that stares you down when you're just trying to figure out what the heck you're doing! So bleh! I hate it!
I'm called emo at my school. Yes, yes I'm very emo I listen to emo music -gasps- But I'm a happy little emo if that's even possible. I really just want to be switched around without the "ohhhh"s from the crowd! And if you notice that would be ME, if you switch the "em" and remove the "O".

Well, that's all for now I suppose that was more of an "About me" thing but whatever.
February 27th, 2008 at 10:46pm