Is he allowed to do that?

Okay, so I've got this friend Chris, and he has been really moody *cough bitchy cough* lately.
And I can't figure out why. Theresa says it's my fault, but I don't really see how. And Jess, his ex and my friend, says that he can't do that to me.

See like two or three weeks ago Chris asked me out and I said no, for a few reasons.
1) I don't like him, and don't think trying to date him will change that.
2) He gets jealous and I have a lot of guy friends that I hug all the time.
3) I'm very good friends with his ex. (Chicks before Dicks)
4) His parents are very rude to his girlfriends and I wouldn't take it lying down, I'd insult them right back.
5) He doesn't like my one friends and doesn't like me talking about him with Teresa and Jess.
6) I don't deal well with mama's boys for boyfriends and he spends way too much time with his mom.

So like I said my answer was no, and he told Jess that my answer didn't phase him. But every time I've hugged Alex or held his hand since Chris asked me, Chris has gotten all moody *cough bitchy cough*.

Now Alex is my life line, he is probably the only reason I made it out of freshman year alive. we tried dating and that didn't work out, but we're still close, and dating probably just got us closer. Any way to people who don't know us we most likely look like we are still dating, we're always holding hands and hugging.

I have lunch on A days with both boys and Teresa. And the other day i wasn't feeling good, Alex had come to stand next to me, instead of sitting further down the table, and I was leaning my head against his stomach, and he was petting my pig tails. This is right about the time Chris got moody.

Well when we were leaving the cafeteria, which we all usually leave in a group together, Chris hurried ahead. I asked Teresa what his problem was and she said I was. So I'm like 'how am I his problem?' and she goes 'You and Alex.' (she said this pointing at our hands) 'He's jealous because of that.'

Now there inlies my question, is he allowed to go all jealous on me, cause I want my normal friend back.
February 28th, 2008 at 10:16pm