Take the Random MCR Test!

Okay some questions will have something to do with MCR so don't. Some are just plain random and or crazy! Lets see your knowledge of MCR! (even tho some of the choices don't make any sense)

1. Who's MCR's new drummer?
A.. Matt
B. Tiffany (me!)
C. George W Bush
D. Bob

2. How would MCR solve a war between two countries?
A. Put Gerard in front of the two countries...naked.
B. Nothing, just let the countries shoot there other countries brains out.
C. Play The Ghost Of You video and show the waring countries fighting is bad
D. Show the two countries Frank's magic trick! =D

3. What does Bob Bryar say after every gig?
A. "Do these drums match my eyes?"
B. "That was so EPIC!" (I know someone who does say that!)
C. "Oh my gawd, shoes"
D. Nothing, that's what makes him so cool!

4. What did Frank name his guitar? (that MTV killed!)
A. Flower
B. Pansy
C. Frerard (LOL)
D. Pretty

5. Penguins Yes or no? (yes thats part of the test)

6. What really happened to Mikey's glasses?
A. He ate them.
B. He still secretly has them!
C. A fan girl ate them.
D. He sold them to gyps!

7. What turns Bob Bryar on? xD
A. Coke Zero
B. Drummer Girls! (haha I wish!)
C. Slippers
D. Cameras

8. What should you NEVER say to Ray?
A. "Can I take a nap in your fro?"
B. "Dude 70's are over."
C. Are you a werewolf?"
D. all of the above

9. Which one of these is NOT an MCR song?
A. Red is the New Black
B. Our Lady of Sorrows
C. Cancer
D. Dead!

10. Final question, What is Gerard Way?
A. He's just a man, who had to sing this song!
B. He's GOD!
C. He's angel sent down from heaven, to help people!
D. all of the above.

!. D 2.A 3.D 4. B 5.YES! 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D

Wow that took more time then I expected... anyway here let me know what you had before you looked at the Key. I made this test all by my self so no stealing! Also each question is worth 10 points so if you missed 1 you got a 90! If you missed 2 you got and 80! and so on.

Also, this girl name Sisi at my school is a BITCH! She need to be sent to hell! or something worst! *eats dismemered arm* Thanks for listening! =D
February 28th, 2008 at 11:46pm