She said I'm pretty!!

There is this girl in my class who I really like. She is smart, funny, and cute. And she sorta looks lke Gerard Way (she has the same nose and face shape). Let's call her Dusk.

I was on the phone with her and we were helping each other with a health project. I forgot how we got on the topic but I think It had something to do with me and my self-loathing. She was all "You're so pretty, I don't know what you are talking about. I'm not just saying that, I mean it!"

I am soooo happy. Okay, this is probaly as good as my love life gets. I know sad! Whatever

I know this doesn't mean she likes me or anything like that but I t made me feel sooo good. I really don't believe myself to be pretty. Most guys I know call me ugly. Oh well!

Too bad she's straight. But she has a twin brother!
February 29th, 2008 at 02:51am