Birthdays, Music Elitists and My Chem Haters.

It's my birthday tomorrow. I'm not paticulary excited, there's nothing to be excited about. There isn't anything I'm looking forward to getting, were not doing anything interesting. It's just going to be a normal day. And plus, I really don't like getting older. I feel like my childhood has slipped through my fingers without me realising it.

On to the main reason I made this journal. Today, I went into town with my friends, and a boy named Cameron we know from school came up to talk to us. He must be what, eleven or twelve? He can't be any older then twelve as he's only in year seven at school. Anyway, I don't know him all that well, but my friend does. He was wearing a My Chem hoodie - Back in September or October, he had seen me with my My Chem bag and asked me if I was going to a show in November, as he was, and he loved My Chem too. I told him I was, and that was the last time I really talked to him, but I knew he was an MCR fan. While we were stood talking to him, someone else my friend knew, who's around sixteen, came up to talk to us. When he saw Cameron's hoodie, he said "What the fuck?! Why are you wearing a MCR hoodie?". Cameron answered him by saying "I really hate My Chem but it's like seriously the only hoodie I own." The boys whos name I didn't know said "You shouldn't own it at all, full stop."

Normally, I would most likely be wearing an MCR t-shirt myself, but today I had decieded to wear my Taking Back Sunday t-shirt for a change. I said to him, "I love My Chemical Romance." He then replied rather nastily "Care to offend me anymore?".

How was I offending him by saying I liked My Chem? Gah, music elitists piss me off, especially when they practically scare little kids into pretending to not like a band. It makes me sick. I know Cameron still likes MCR, at school he wears their hoodie and has their bag - He liked them just months ago, and all of a sudden he dosen't, and it's clear to see why. After this happened I said to my friend Kirsty that I wished I'd I'd worn a My Chem t-shirt today just to piss people off. She told me "You'd get it some deep shit if you did that. You'd have metalheads ganging up on you."

Like I give a fuck what a bunch of stuck up music elitists thinks. I'm not going to stop being myself just to please a bunch of posers who think they're hard. Some people need to seriously get over themselves. Next time I go into town I'm tempted to go wearing fully MCR gear and see what happens.
March 1st, 2008 at 06:00pm